Arthritis is a disorder that causes swelling and tenderness of the joints. There are 100 different types of arthritis. The two most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This disorder can affect different areas of the body depending on the type of arthritis you're suffering from. It usually affects the fingers, knees, hips, hands and feet.
If you're suffering from this diseases your rage of motion will most commonly be decreased while dealing with swelling, pain and stiffness of your joints. The symptoms can get worse over time and you might face chronic pain and being extremely restricted in your mobility.
The different types of arthritis are made worse by different factors. Triggers of this disease can be stress, poor sleep, overdoing an activity, repetitive motions and many more depending on the type of arthritis you're suffering from.
Seeing a professional is highly advised. Physicians perform a physical exam and check up your joints. If your doctor finds any indication that you might have arthritis he can refer you to a rheumatologist. Specialist usually use different scan devices and proceed an X-ray, MRI and CT scans of your bones.
Caution For severe arthritis, consult a professional practitioner.